With your camp or home stove, and this Camp Toaster, you can toast up to four slices at once. It folds flat for convenient storage and easy packing. The Coghlan’s Toaster is made from heavy steel plate that won’t warp, and coated wires that won’t rust. It features “Sure Grip” wire toast holders that keep your slices of bread firmly in place while toasting. The Camp Stove Toaster is the product that started out the now famous Coghlan’s brand in the 1950’s, and this classic is still an indispensable tool for any camp chef today. Soon you will be creating memories of your own camp breakfasts shared with family and friends. It folds to dinner plate size of 9″ diameter X 5/8″ thick.
Thanks, we received our waffle iron the other day, and made wonderful waffles for breakfast yesterday. My husband’s mother made waffles on a similarly designed iron probably 60 years ago – it’s a piece of nostalgia for him and it makes great waffles. Thanks so much.
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